Health & Safely
We are committed to the safety of our workforce, and believe in working for best practices and being a leader in the industry. To this end we are a COR certified company.
COR (Certificate of Recognition) is an initiative that recognizes and rewards employers who go beyond the legal requirements of the Workers Compensation Act and the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation by taking a best practices approach to implementing health, safety and return-to-work programs. The program promotes the concept of managing health and safety equally with other components necessary for a successful business, such as profitability and productivity. Learn about the BSCSA.
We believe that safety is a core value that ensures the long term viability to RDM and is on equal footing to Productivity and Quality.
We are committed to a providing a healthy and safe work environment for its employees. This is why we support a strong safety program that protects its staff, its property and the public from incidents.
Recognizing that all workers have the right to be protected from injuries at work, all employees at every level are responsible and accountable for the company’s overall safety performance. Complete and active participation by everyone, every day, in every job is necessary for the safety excellence the company expects. The management supports the coordination and cooperation of all workers concerning safety on the job site.
We encourage all workers to participate in the program and provides proper equipment, training and procedures. Workers are responsible for following all procedures, working safely, and, wherever possible, improving safety measures. We are committed to responding to the concerns of employees and working with the Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee to improve the safety for all.
An injury and accident-free workplace is our goal. Through continuous safety and loss control efforts, we can accomplish this goal.